Objective: Migrate volume from one Flash System to another Flash System in application transparent manner. Prerequisite: - IBM Spectrum Virtualize and Brocade ansible collection plugins must be installed - For more information on Brocade switch ansible collection, please refer to https://github.com/brocade/ansible/blob/master/README.rst These playbooks migrate a volume from a source cluster to the destination cluster. - It uses spectrum virtualize ansible modules as well as brocade ansible modules to create zone. - These playbooks are designed to migrate volume mapped to same Fibre Channel (FC) host from source cluster to destination cluster. There are total 3 files used for this use-case. 1. vol_migration_vars: This file has all the variables required for playbooks. - src_cluster_* : Parameters starting with src_cluster contain source cluster details from where user wants to migrate volume - dest_cluster* : Parameters starting with dest_cluster contain destination cluster details to where volume will be migrated - brocade_switch_* : Parameters starting with brocade_switch contain brocade switch details - application_host_*: Parameters starting with application_host contain application host details which is performing read/write of data - volume_details : It consists of volume to be migrated with its source and destination name with host it is attached to 2. initiate_migration_for_given_volume: - This playbook initiates the migration, creates fc host with the same name as source cluster and adds it to the default portset. - Most importantly, it also starts data copy from source cluster to destination cluster Note: User should not run playbook create_zone_map_volume_and_rescan until relationship is in consistent_syncronized state 3. create_zone_map_volume_and_rescan - Execute this playbook once the relationship created by above playbook is in consistent_syncronized state. - This playbook fetches the list of SCSI_HOST WWPN's associated with given fcioportid from specV destination cluster. - Creates zone with the name given and add specV ports fetched and host WWPN's given. - Maps the volume to the Host and starts scsi rescan on the host. - Switch replication direction of a migration relationship once host is mapped. - Again rescan the volume on the host to get the updated path details. - Delete source volume and migration relationship which was created. - Again rescan the volume on the host to get the reduced paths. Authors: Ajinkya Nanavati (ananava1@in.ibm.com) Mohit Chitlange (mochitla@in.ibm.com)